Origin Story

How did Fortress Therapeutics Get Started?

I previously suffered from intense PreMenstrual Syndrome symptoms. Many of you are familiar with similar symptoms. Terrible cramps that keep you in bed, nausea, light headedness, and upset stomach. I would often have to call out sick from school or work, at times feeling like I would faint if I got out of bed. In an attempt to combat this, I would take a really big dose of painkillers and they would help somewhat, but the week of my period was a pretty miserable time that I would always dread. It affected my daily life significantly.

Then in 2011, I went through a training curriculum that focused on natural remedies including herbalism. As I learned more about the properties of different herbs, a lightbulb went off.  Maybe I could find some herbs to help me! And that’s how PM Less was born. After adjusting the formula for about a year, I had a blend that always worked. The pain, bloating, nausea, and intense cramping were immediately diminished as soon as I started drinking my tea. Now, I felt normal throughout my entire period. It totally changed my perspective. I was able to work out, go to class, go to work, and engage in all the regular daily activities without feeling terrible. The sense of dread, the constant interruptions to daily life…eliminated!

For years this was a solution I used for myself. As time passed, I would volunteer by giving community education classes on healthy lifestyles. Sometimes I would sell products like cookbooks, natural deodorant, and my PM Less tea. The only product that would always sell out was the PM Less tea. It appeared that I had discovered something that proved to be beneficial for other women suffering from PMS symptoms as well! So I decided to try to turn this remedy into a business so more women could have access to this solution. 

So I did. And it failed, in about two years. I only gave it partial attention: my job took up most of my time, there were family care-taking responsibilities that required significant time and effort, etc. Basically, life was busy and I did not make the business a priority. As time passed, I became involved in several nonprofit projects, including a little school on an Indian reservation in Arizona. Seeing the poverty there really impacted me. Those kids were growing up in tragic circumstances and felt that they had very little hope for the future. For many of them, that is still their perspective.  We work to show them they have options.  I wanted to provide more financial support, but it was not in my budget. So I decided to relaunch the business so there was a separate income stream that I could then use to help fund the work at the school.

Fortress Therapeutics was relaunched in 2018 and I have never looked back. Although it is rewarding, it has undoubtedly been a challenge. This is still a passion project; like many other women, my time is split between building this company, holding a full time career in Healthcare with its own demands, and being an engaged family member. It can be a frustrating journey at times. I can see the potential for growth and for expanding our impact through great causes, but there are only 24 hours in the day! When that happens, there’s a few close friends and family members who help me to keep perspective, regain my balance, and stay focused on the long term goal. For all my fellow entrepreneurs out there, the most profound thing we can do is NOT TO GIVE UP! Baby steps are still progress.

Why the name Fortress Therapeutics?

Several reasons behind the name. The first is a verse in the Bible, Psalm 18:2. It says “Jehovah is my rock and my fortress, and my deliverer. My God, my rock in whom I will take refuge.” For this venture to succeed I knew it would require help, and some of that was spiritual support. Additionally, this venture contributes funds to other organizations that help people in need, so we support their shelter in a stormy part of life. Most of us have faced significant life challenges; the name is a reminder of our core motivation, which is to help other people.

The final reason is that our bodies are our refuge in this world. We have to give them what they need to protect us from infectious agents, toxins, and other influences that cause illness. Our products are intended to support our bodies, our physical fortresses, to remain strong and repair any breaches in health. Everything that we produce addresses a need felt by many people, we target common challenges. We want to partner with you in attaining optimal well being. The meaning of “therapeutic” is having a good effect on the body or mind; contributing to a sense of well being. The ingredients in all our products are restorative agents, they allow your body to heal and restore balance. It is always easier to retain health than to recapture it after it’s been lost, so we want to help you, all our friends and members of the extended Fortress family reach and maintain an optimal level of personal health.

What does the future hold for Fortress Therapeutics?

Volunteering remains a key way for staying in touch with my community. Being out in different settings has highlighted other health challenges, so we are expanding our product line to meet those needs. We now have a tea to address mood issues like stress, depression and anxiety called CalmRx. We also have Breathe Strong, which was initially developed for asthma and allergies but also helps recovery from illness like the flu or other respiratory infections. My interest in herbalism continues and we will continue to develop additional products in the future with the goal of making a positive impact. That’s where we need your help! Let us know what you’d like to see and we will use that to help guide decisions on what to develop next.

I’m proud to say that we’ve been able to keep the commitment of supporting nonprofit work with revenue from the company. My focus is to continue to support organizations that work to help give children and women a better future. My grandmothers have been a significant influence in my life, so I see this as a way of keeping their legacy alive. One of my grandmothers passed away recently. She would always encourage me to aim higher, to keep going, to be a light for our community, an example for other little brown girls. So that’s what we’re doing. We strive to be an inspiration for girls and women everywhere! We invite you to join the Fortress family, to be a force for good in this world.

We wish you blessings and health for you and your family! Do Good, Be Well.

Daffodil Baez, Founder and CEO

Daffodil Baez, Founder and CEO



At Fortress, we believe our bodies have the power to heal themselves if we give them the right materials. Our goal is to provide effective, plant-based products for everyday living that help our systems remain strong.

Our best selves are revealed when we serve others, and we want to be an active contributor to positive change. We set aside 10% of proceeds to support nonprofit efforts that invest in educating and supporting women and children. Our current nonprofit beneficiary focus is a little school on a reservation in Arizona called Maricopa Village Christian School. We believe we are stronger together, and thank you for supporting that mission!

We also want to remain faithful stewards of our environment and society, so we ensure that the ingredients for all products are sustainably sourced, and organic whenever possible.

Finally, we believe in meeting the felt needs of our clients. If you have a desired product, we’d love to hear about it, and hopefully design it!

Fortress Therapeutics: Everyday products for optimal health.

Natural. Effective. Safe.


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